The Heartbreak and Hazards of Alzheimer’s Caregiving by Dasha Kiper

Most caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s find themselves behaving in ways they know are counterproductive. The disease affects their brains, too.

Dementia Is a Place Where My Mother Lives. It Is Not Who She Is by Suzanne Finnamore

“Dementia is a land where my mother lives. It is not who she is. I think of it as an actual place, like the Acropolis or Yonkers.“

How People With Dementia Make Sense of the World by Dasha Kiper

The human brain has a way of creating logic, even when it’s drifting from reality.

A French Village’s Radical Vision of a Good Life with Alzheimer’s

Every resident of the Village Landais has dementia—and the autonomy to spend each day however they please.

El alzhéimer puede ser un mundo de interminables segundas oportunidades by Rebecca Barry

“Cuando papá empezó a olvidar cosas, pensé que lo había perdido. No me imaginaba que tendría más de él que antes.”