You 2.0: Fighting Despair

In you 2.0 series, we talk with psychologist Jamil Zaki about how we become disillusioned and distrustful of the world, and how to balance realism with hope.

This Conversation Changed the Way I Think About Dementia

When cognitive decline strikes, caregivers often resist the changes. Anne Basting says there’s another way.

Being Patient for Alzheimer's Patients and Caregivers

Being Patient is the leading online community for Alzheimer's, dementia patients, caregivers. We talk to experts about Alzheimer's news, advice, stories and support!

Despues de la Perdida: Alzheimer, un duelo a cuentagotas.

Hay personas que no se van de golpe; gota a gota vamos perdiéndolos y ganando a la vez, la oportunidad de demostrarles nuestro amor. Alzheimer es el tema, mi querida amiga Gisela Zavala Kügler la invitada. Un imperdible.